
Subclasses a Numpy ndarray and adds a unit attribute. It can be used just like any Numpy array.

Extra attributes

To create a QuantityArray use

>>> from PhysicalQuantities.quantityarray import QuantityArray
>>> qa = QuantityArray( <value>, <unit>)

Where <value> is an Numpy ndarray, and <unit>’ is a `PhysiclUnit object or a string representing a unit like m or km/h.

You can scale and remove units using attributes. If you have a variable qa of type QuantityArray with unit m, you can rescale in km using qa.km. If you use qa.km_ you will get a ndarray view and the unit is stripped from the array.

Alternatively, more complicated units can be rescaled using the .to() function. So qa.to(‘km’) will scale the given units to km.


>>> from PhysicalQuantities import QA
>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = np.random.randn(10)
>>> b = QA(a, 'm/s')
>>> b
PhysicalQuantityArray([ 1.36836913  0.70860175  0.00633686 -0.54290276  0.82087296  0.49118831
  0.7917231   0.13107132  0.35147733  1.14482806], unit=m/s)
>> b.view(np.ndarray)
array([ 1.36836913  0.70860175  0.00633686 -0.54290276  0.82087296  0.49118831
  0.7917231   0.13107132  0.35147733  1.14482806])

>>> b.to('mm/h')
PhysicalQuantityArray([ 4926128.85358709  2550966.29803592    22812.69863759 -1954449.92312585
  2955142.65295286  1768277.90323167  2850203.14531766   471856.75616011
  1265318.38302892  4121381.00263216], unit=mm/h)
>>> c = QA(a, 'km')
>>> c.m
PhysicalQuantityArray([1368.369126    708.60174945    6.33686073 -542.90275642  820.87295915
  491.18830645  791.72309592  131.07132116  351.47732862 1144.82805629], unit=m)
>>> c.m_
array([1368.369126  ,  708.60174945,    6.33686073, -542.90275642,
        820.87295915,  491.18830645,  791.72309592,  131.07132116,
        351.47732862, 1144.82805629])


Implement a Numpy array with physical units

class PhysicalQuantities.quantityarray.PhysicalQuantityArray(input_array, unit=None)[source]
__array_finalize__(obj, /)[source]

Present so subclasses can call super. Does nothing.


Default dir() implementation.

static __new__(cls, input_array, unit=None)[source]
__repr__() str[source]

Return repr(self).

property base: PhysicalQuantityArray

Base object if memory is from some other object.


The base of an array that owns its memory is None:

>>> x = np.array([1,2,3,4])
>>> x.base is None

Slicing creates a view, whose memory is shared with x:

>>> y = x[2:]
>>> y.base is x
to(*units) PhysicalQuantityArray[source]

Convert to a different unit



Units to convert to



Array with converted units